Modular Trailers for Inverclyde Wind Farm

Utilising our specialist modular fleet, our Team complete the delivery of all components for Inverclyde Wind Farm.
Consisting of eight Enercon E82 wind turbines, each featuring 39-metre-long blades and 69-metre-high towers, the Collett Team completed delivery of all 128 components to form the complete turbines. Comprising of 2 vehicles in convoy over a 22-day schedule, our Team undertook the deliveries from King George V Dock to Inverclyde.
With each turbine component offering a new logistical challenge, we employed the use of our fleet of specialist trailers to accommodate each of the cargoes. Utilising our triple extendable blade trailers, we transported the 39-metre-long blades 20-miles from port to site, covering a variety of motorways, dual carriageways and A-roads.
Modular Trailers
Once on site, our Team had the task of navigating under low over hanging cables and ensuring each axle load had a maximum weight of 12 Tonnes. With the bottom tower sections measuring 4.3 metres in diameter and a gross vehicle weight of 111 Tonnes. We mobilised our modular trailers, fashioned in a 3-bed-4 formation and by utilising the hydraulic trailer capabilities, our Team lowered the trailer suspension providing a running height of 4.7 metres.
Over the 22-day schedule, our Team safely delivered each of the 128 components to form the eight 110m tall turbines from King George V Dock, Glasgow to Inverclyde Wind Farm, Greenock.
When at full operational capacity, the 24MW wind farm will provide enough renewable energy to power approximately 14,800 homes and reduce emissions by roughly 30,000 Tonnes each year.